As I write this we are getting our first spring thunderstorm. The teenage chickadees are tucked safely into their new coop. The eggs are incubating in their 9th day. They have been whittled down from 15 to 12 due to undiagnosed cracks or funky smells. Either way I'm nervous for the young chicks outside and worried the electricity will go out and ruin the eggs! In five of the eggs I can actually see the chick embryo moving around and their hearts beating! The eggs I can see development in are the Silver Laced favorites:)
Candled Cochin egg with darkness being the chick embryo moving!
Finished coop!
Chickadees looking at me --"Hey what's up mom got treats treats?"
East side view (west side backs up to backyard garage)
Side view with door open to perch area.
Nosy Rosie!
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