Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Chicken Dream'n

I've been remiss in posting due to moving the girls in, turning/temping eggs, and oh all those chicken dreams and obsessions!  My hubby woke me accidently this morning and he claims I said frantically "there are NO chickens in the coop"!  This is here-say....  The girls have now spent three whole nights and days in their new coop!  I have spent three whole nights going out over and over again making sure they are still alive.  They are quite the gang.  I liken them to teenagers; still wanting the goodies from mom but not needing any smothering love'ns.  It will be a ninja raccoon and only a ninja that could break into our Fort Knox chicken coop mansion!
In between all the night trips outside I'm obsessing over the developing eggs.  We are on day 6--beating hearts and limbs already developed!  I've had to remove 2 cracked and STINKY eggs.  I also sneezed un-expectantly and dropped one!  It was developing so technically I aborted a chicken:(  I still feel bad about it.  Candling last night I for sure saw six of the dozen eggs developing right on time! The others I'm unsure of as their shells are so dark.  I will recheck in the next 48 hours.
I did find out I am not the only chicken crazy around.  I've met two yes two other ladies with the sae obsessions and loss of sleep.  We are going to organize a coop tour soon!

First sunny warm day in coop = freedom!

Almost finished! (pic w/ ladder to come)

Inside coop getting comfy.

Through the front door view.

Coop view through window.

*Note bossy BB roosting the highest immediately!**

Mrs. Cody growing still!

Checking out the nesting box. 

Incubator day one with top on.

Top off.

♥My personal craftsman and now fellow chicken lover♥

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