Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Tonight I made the girls spaghetti, spinach, peas, carrots and rice casserole.  You could say it was a hit!  I can't make my mind up if chickens like spaghetti because it's shaped like worms or chickens just really like pasta?  They were ripping it out of each other's chicken lips even though there was a whole bowl of it.  It was probably because I'm such a good cook!  My concoctions have been know world wide....

Head'n toward the suspicious bowl....

Boss chicken says it's ok....more than ok!

Disapproving boss chicken disapproves of your further intrusion. You may leave the food and go now.

In other news, I candled the eggs again.  For sure for sure we have five very nicely developing embryos.  Two others that look as if they are but have something that made me flag them suspect.  I removed three others tonight that weren't developing.  Upon dissection one had stopped very early on and the other two were probably not fertilized or never began developing at all.  One week from today and we should have some new baby fluffy butts!  I am cautious but still very excited!

We (as in my husband) claims he is tweaking the coop some more.  I am not sure what all that entails but I do know he is putting a roof over the entire fenced area now.  Neither one of us liked that our chickadees could've been rained on last week.  Spring rains are coming soon too soon.  It's probably worth mentioning the roof was originally his idea weeks ago.  I was indecisive since we have different visions.  His is a talented for-seeing building vision.  Mine was the less work route the less guilt on my part vision.  He now points out the coop will not look perfect. Anyone with construction knowledge will realize the roof was an after thought.  So I won't notice or the chickens right?  Well noooo.  Well.....

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